Thursday, 22 April 2010

i am checking my e-mail

I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my twitter. I am checking my facebook. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my twitter. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my facebook. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my e-mail. I am remembering about childhood. I am imagining growing old. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my twitter. I am updating my twitter status to 'I am checking my twitter'. I am checking my e-mail. I am watering a plant. I am checking my e-mail. I am moving out of the light. I am writing 459 words of my novel. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my twitter. I am checking my blog for comments. I am eating lunch. I am writing 234 words of my novel. I am looking at a painting on the wall. I am cleaning a section of the wall. I am checking my twitter. I am gchatting with crispin. I am updating my twitter status to 'WTF?' I am updating my twitter status to 'Whoops – wrong window, that was meant to be in a gchat'. I am living a modern life. I am listening to 'telephone' by 'lada gaga and beyonce' and writing the 'great british novel' (GBN). I am looking out of the window. I am checking my facebook. I am checking my twitter. I am checking my e-mail. I am writing an e-mail to an estate agent, complaining about the service I have received. I am not receiving a reply from the estate agent. I am looking at a mutated pigeon. I am throwing bread at a mutated pigeon. I am hiding from a man who saw me throw the bread. I am checking my twitter. I am worrying about the mutated pigeon. I am checking my facebook. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my e-mail. I am checking my e-mail.


gamefaced said...


red newsom said...

a depressing reminder of a shared reality ;p

Socrates Adams-Florou said...

re-reading it thinking 'this has been done too many times'. feeling embarrassed. checking my e-mail.

An Unreliable Witness said...

I know I shouldn't mention this ... but I really want to hear Lada Gaga. I hope she's a Russian transvestite.

s.swan/spookyguts said...


Socrates Adams-Florou said...

comment checked.

Crispin Best said...

i miss u so much babe! this is so like u, somethin like this! hope ur ok!

Marcos said...

I wonder if the Great British Novel is anything like the Great American Novel.