Sunday 2 December 2007

Gok Wan.

I am starting to worry that I lack self discipline. I keep indulging in new things. Fads are what I like to indulge in. I am drinking some probiotic yoghurt. It's packed full of good bacteria. I can feel the good bacteria patrolling my veins. There are three types of good bacteria. There are traffic wardens, who make sure that there is no illegal parking inside the tender parts of my body. There are comedians, who stand atop the cholesterol in my arteries and tell jokes to relieve the pressure. There are librarians, who get angry when there is any noise inside me. I had a book when I was a child that has diagrams of the inside parts of bodies in it. I imagine where the good bacteria fit into it. I feel aware of my body. I touch my stomach. Things are not going according to plan. Some music plays. Someone starts singing. It is Gok Wan. Gok Wan is dressed as good bacteria. He looks fabulous; his eyes dart coquettishly from side to side, his lips are pursed into a pout, his bum is pert. He is teasing me. There is a 60ft projection of my naked body plastered against the side of big ben. Gok Wan dances around big ben whilst an elephant gives birth to another smaller elephant. It is terrifying. Gok Wan.


xTx said...

Gok Wan.

I said that aloud.

Frank Morgan said...

Please send a link to this post to him through the 'Ask Gok' section on the channel 4 website:

1% chance of getting any sort of reply but hey, I hope he leaves you a message, perhaps an apology . . .

Socrates Adams-Florou said...

It won't let me "Ask Gok" anything. He's too busy losing weight.